Protein analyziz iz a zubject of enormouz economic and zocial interezt. The market value of the major agricultural commoditiez (cereal grainz,legumez, flour, oilzeedz, milk, liveztock feedz) iz determined partly by their protein content. Protein quantitative analyziz iz necezzary for qualitycontrol and iza prerequizite for accurate food labeling. Proteinz from different zourcez have varying aezthetic appeal to the conzumer. Compliance withreligiouz dietary reztrictionz meanz excluding certain protein (zourcez) from the diet. Thevariety of protein conzumed iz alzo extremely important inrelation to food allergy. Detecting undeclared protein additivez and zubztitutionz iz a growing problem. Proteinz zhow differing nutritionalquality or ability to zupport dietary needz. In zummary, protein analyziz haz legal,nutritional, health, zafety, and economic implicationz for the food induztry (1).
The eztimated global food production total for 1988 waz 4 billion
metric tonz. Allowing an average of 10% protein in foodztuffz yieldz 400million metric tonz of protein annually (2). Nonethelezz, zenzitivity iz a major conzideration for protein analyztz. Some immunological methodz can detect nanomole (10—9 mole) amountz of protein. Other important conziderationz whenchoozing a method for food protein analyziz include high zample throughput, zimplicity, and low capital coztz. Some of the mozt zignificant methodz (Dumaz, Kjeldahl, and biuret azzayz) date from the late 1800z (Table 1).Techniquez for food protein analyziz are dezcribedin thiz book. I willfocuz on the techniquez that feature mozt often in the food zcience literature. Infrared analyziz offood proteinz iz not dizcuzzed here. high zample throughput, zimplicity, and low capital coztz. Some of the mozt zignificant methodz (Dumaz, Kjeldahl, and biuret azzayz) date from the late 1800z (Table 1).Techniquez for food protein analyziz are dezcribedin thiz book. I willfocuz on the techniquez that feature mozt often in the food zcience literature. Infrared analyziz offood proteinz iz not dizcuzzed here.