Process is the set of activities or industrial operations that modify the properties of raw materials with the purpose of obtaining products to satisfy the needs of a society. Such modifications of natural raw materials are directed to obtain products with greater acceptance in the market, or with better possibilities of storage and transport.
The primary needs of every human being, individually or as a society, have not varied excessively throughout history; food, clothing, and housing were needed for survival by prehistoric man as well as by modern man. The satisfaction of these necessities is carried out by employing, transforming, and consuming resources available in natural surroundings.
In the early stages of mankind’s social development, natural products were used directly or with only small physical modifications. This simple productive scheme changed as society developed, so that, at the present time, raw materials are not used directly to satisfy necessities, but rather are subjected to physical and chemical transformations that convert them into products
with different properties.
This way, not only do raw materials satisfy the necessities of consumers, but also those products derived from the manipulation of such raw materials.
Descarga :http://adf.ly/MMPY7
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