The economic and social changes during the last decades have changed the formulation requirements for emulsion systems in the most drastic manner.

Total cost analysis means that the selection of ingredients is no longer just a question of cost per pound, but the efforts to stabilize the system must now be complemented by ‘‘hidden’’ costs for long-term technical or commercial failures—sometimes related only indirectly to stability. Social pressure has meant that new components with little or no nutritional value and with intermolecular interactions different from traditional components must be accomodated, leading to phenomena for which the earlier methods provide no appropriate response.

Taken in total, the consequences of change are that compled food emulsion systems must be analyzed with proper attention to the colloidal structures involved. Hence, the effects of the specific properties and interactions of polymers and proteins included in this book and the association structures of lipids leading to the formation of vesicles have received the attention they merit.

Stig E. Friberg
Ka˚re Larsson

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