Over the past ten years or so, HACCP has become the preferred tool for the management of microbiological food safety. As its use has spread and reliance on it as the main means of ensuring the safe production of food has increased, so the need for checking its effectiveness has also increased. This same period has also seen dramatic changes in the processing, storage and distribution of meat products; and new pathogens, e.g. E. coli O157, have challenged both existing supply chain controls and also consumer and regulatory views of safety requirements. Extensive reliance on the use of HACCP for managing microbiological safety has also been questioned and it is hoped that this book will show that HACCP is the most powerful management tool available for ensuring product safety. In this context it is important to remember that the retrospective nature of microbiological testing makes it unsuitable for supporting day-to-day decisions on product release, or for monitoring CCPs, as products are likely to be out of the control of the producer by the time the results of testing are available. Therefore the ‘real time’ control available from a well designed and implemented HACCP plan offers manufacturers and consumers of meat products the best protection. However microbiological testing in a plant with a HACCP-based QA system still has a role to validate and verify the effectiveness of the process control and hygiene measures in place. The purpose of this book is to present chapters written by experts on particular aspects of HACCP in the meat industry. The structure should provide the reader with chapters that taken singly give a clear account of one aspect or cover one type of material. Taken together they present a practical and coherent guide to HACCP for the industry. The chapters are divided into ‘General Issues’ giving the current (1999) expert view and the legislative context of HACCP in Europe and the United States. ‘HACCP on the farm and in primary processing’
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